World’s Largest Platform for WordPress Developers
Established in 2017
Get 20000+ Premium *Wordpress Themes, Plugins & HTML Templates*
All products contained in the catalog are developed by third parties and redistributed by us under GPL. These are not nulled or Crack Version,
Active Members will receive regular updates on all themes, plugins, and add-ons for free.
For payments XYZ use the safest translations worldwide. Pay with credit/debit card or PayPal.
Every single product which is listed in our website is 100% free and free from Virus / Malicious Script / Backdoor and all are verified by McAfee Secure.
The console is user-friendly .You have to just download and activate the plugin.
WordPress 5.3.2+, PHP 7.2+, WordPress Multi-sites are NOT supported at the moment.
All WordPress items such as plugins and themes are licensed under the General Public Licence (GPL). This means that once we have purchased the item we are free to redistribute it if we choose to do so. Your purchase to our site goes towards maintaining and buying new product to 3rd party theme and plugin authors. This form of crowd funding helps keep prices low and we can then pass this benefit on to you. Our products don’t include premium support. Thats why we can offer up to 90% discounts on must-have commercial WordPress plugins.
Lower price. Original files without malware, viruses, or advertising. All products work on an unlimited number of websites (domains) (unlimited license). All products are available by direct links. We regularly update products and constantly add new products, which are difficult to find anywhere else!
Yes. As soon as we are notified of an update, we go and download it from the author and update it on our site. We send regular emails advising when products have been updated so please be sure to provide an active email address when you sign up. You can also see our regular updates by visiting our update page.
First we’ll check and if we found any mistake in product then we’ll try to resolve it. If suppose our support team is unable to remove that defect then we’ll provide you the complete refund through original mode of payment