HomeFix- Handyman, Maintenance 1.0.2 WordPress Theme

Our new XYZTheme Automator plugin allows you to update all products directly from your WordPress panel. Know More
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Introducing HomeFix, a Massive WordPress theme designed for home maintenance websites such as plumbing, carpentry, and refurbishment services. Packed with essential features like Estimator, Appointment, Services Section, and Team info, HomeFix is the ideal choice for creating a stylish and influential Handyman website. With compatibility with Visual Composer and Ultimate Addon, designing and editing web pages becomes effortless. Powered by Slider Revolution and supported by WooCommerce, HomeFix allows you to showcase your services and sell products online. Take advantage of the reservation system and typography customization options to provide a seamless user experience.

Subscription Plans

Get free access to over 18,500 premium products on our website. As long as your plan is active, all new releases are included. Plus, you’ll receive access to the XYZTheme Updater plugin, which allows you to update all your themes and plugins directly from your WordPress dashboard.