Modal Login Register Forgotten WordPress Plugin 2.0.0

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Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $4.99. / 365 days

Modal login register forgotten is a Wordpress plugin by Codecanyon. This is a form will let website users set a password during registration. This provides security by using Google reCAPTCHA which will protect your registration. There are some more features like setting titles and subtitles for login and registration forms, customising the look and feel with colour pickers etc.

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Get free access to over 18,500 premium products on our website. As long as your plan is active, all new releases are included. Plus, you’ll receive access to the XYZTheme Updater plugin, which allows you to update all your themes and plugins directly from your WordPress dashboard.

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Modal Login Register Forgotten WordPress Plugin – Main Features

  • Registration Google reCAPTCHA.
  • Allow users to set their own password during registration.
  • Allow users to enter their first and last name during registration.
  • Set redirects URL after login, logout and registration.
  • and many more.